Benchmark:   Corpse Reviver
1 Command Line

Benchmark: Corpse Reviver

Cameron Moy

Phúc C. Nguyễn

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt

David Van Horn

This module provides a command-line benchmarking script built for the purpose of measuring the performance benefit of SCV-CR. Two types of JSON output are produced: analysis results and run-time results. Analysis results collect information during SCV-CR optimization such as blame data. Run-time results measure benchmark performance after optimization.

1 Command Line

The raco scv-cr-benchmark command accepts a list of GTP typed/untyped targets to benchmark. If none are provided it will use a 12-program subset of GTP Benchmarks. It accepts the following command-line flags:










Run baseline measurements, in other words, don’t optimize with SCV-CR.





Set the maximum number of components to measure exhaustively before sampling.





Log garbage collection statistics during analysis. This can cause the analysis to slow down significantly; that’s why it’s disabled by default.





Set the number of iterations to run for each configuration.





Don’t skip the analysis of modules prefixed with _. This the convention for indicating modules that should be treated as opaque.





Set the directory where analysis results will be placed. By default, it is the current working directory.





Resume an existing setup. In other words, run the experiment described by existing in files in $XDG_DATA_HOME/gtp-measure. After running a baseline experiment you should use this option for the optimized experiment so it uses the same samples as the baseline.





Set the number of parallel workers to use for measuring. By default, this is 1. Each worker is given one benchmark to process at a time.





Set the number of samples to take when measuring a benchmark approximately.





Set the sample size as a factor of the number of components in the benchmark.

See GTP configuration for more details on some of these options.